Quake III Arena Demo File Specifications

File formats: *.dm_66, *.dm_67, *.dm_68


Document Version 4



1. About

2. Sizebuf_t structure

3. Demofile format

4. MSG_ReadBits and MSG_WriteBits

5. Common MSG_* functions

6. Delta encoding of game structures

7. Huffman encoding

8. Server to Client commands

9. Operations with gameState_t

10. Parsing whole demo file

11. Thanks to



1. About


This document contains complete Quake III Arena Demo File specifications, useful for programmers working in C or C++  developing demo players/editors. It introduces demo message encoding/decoding routines that allow parsing and writing Quake III Arena Demo Files.


Note this code doesn’t provide full Quake III Arena network protocol support, as it uses much more encryption. All network-only stuff was removed from this document.


This code is redistributed under the terms of GNU General Public License:



Quake III *.dm_6? Demo Specifications


Copyright (C) 2003 Andrey '[SkulleR]' Nazarov

Based on Argus and Quake II source code

Also contains some stuff from Q3A SDK


Argus is Copyright (C) 2000 Martin Otten

Quake II and Quake III are Copyright (C) 1997-2001 ID Software, Inc


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or

modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License

as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2

of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of



See the GNU General Public License for more details.


You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software

Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.



You can also download this example application (source code + binary):


It contains all source code present in this document and all necessary headers. The only thing this app does is dumping obituaries and some other info from a *.dm_68 file.


2. Sizebuf_t structure


All MSG_* functions operate with the sizebuf_t structure, which holds all necessary information about current buffer state and is used both when reading and writing bits to the buffer. Normally nothing outside MSG_* functions should modify this structure.


typedef struct sizebuf_s {

       qboolean     allowoverflow;      // if false, do a Com_Error

       qboolean     overflowed;        // set to true if the buffer size failed

       qboolean     uncompressed;        // don't do Huffman encoding, write raw bytes

       byte         *data;       // pointer to message buffer, set by MSG_Init

       int          maxsize;     // size in bytes of message buffer, set by MSG_Init

       int          cursize;     // number of bytes written to the buffer, set by MSG_WriteBits

       int          readcount;   // number of bytes read from the buffer, set by MSG_ReadBits

       int          bit;         // number of bits written to or read from the buffer

} sizebuf_t;




3. Demofile format


Actually Quake III Demo File is a version of server-to-client communication protocol, written to a disk in the following format:

<demo block> <...> <demo block> <end block>


Demo block structure:

Size, bytes



Message sequence, <seq>


Message length, <msglen>


Message data


            Demo is parsed until <seq> and <msglen> are not equal to -1 (end block), which indicates demofile EOF. <msglen> should be always less than MAX_MSGLEN.


#define      MAX_MSGLEN          0x4000 // max length of demo message


Sample routine for demo file parsing:


FILE *demofile;

int demoMessageSequence; // used for delta decoding






  Read next message from demo file and parse it

  Return qfalse if demo EOF reached or error occured



qboolean Parse_NextDemoMessage( void ) {

       sizebuf_t    msg;

       byte         buffer[MAX_MSGLEN];

       int                 len;

       int                 seq;


       if( fread( &seq, 1, 4, demofile ) != 4 ) {

             Com_Printf( "Demo file was truncated\n" );

             return qfalse;



       if( fread( &len, 1, 4, demofile ) != 4 ) {

             Com_Printf( "Demo file was truncated\n" );

             return qfalse;



       if( seq == -1 || len == -1 ) {

             return qfalse; // demo EOF reached



       MSG_Init( &msg, buffer, sizeof( buffer ) );


       demoMessageSequence = LittleLong( seq );

       msg.cursize = LittleLong( len );


       if( msg.cursize <= 0 || msg.cursize >= msg.maxsize ) {

             Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "Illegal demo message length" );



       if( fread( msg.data, 1, msg.cursize, demofile ) != msg.cursize ) {

             Com_Printf( "Demo file was truncated\n" );

             return qfalse;



       Parse_DemoMessage( &msg ); // parse the message


       return qtrue;




4. MSG_ReadBits and MSG_WriteBits


            The basic functions for performing i/o operations on message data are MSG_WriteBits and MSG_ReadBits, which do Huffman encoding/decoding of the data bitstream using Huff_* code. If uncompressed flag is set on the sizebuf, then raw bytes are used, i.e. bits value is rounded to a full byte (q2-style). Currently this is not used when working with demo files.







void MSG_WriteBits( sizebuf_t *msg, int value, int bits ) {

       int                 remaining;

       int                 i;

       byte                *buf;


       if( msg->maxsize - msg->cursize < 4 ) {

             msg->overflowed = qtrue;




       if( !bits || bits < -31 || bits > 32 ) {

             Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "MSG_WriteBits: bad bits %i", bits );



       if( bits < 0 ) {

             bits = -bits;



       if( msg->uncompressed ) {

             if( bits <= 8 ) {

                    buf = MSG_GetSpace( msg, 1 );

                    buf[0] = value;           

             } else if( bits <= 16 ) {

                    buf = MSG_GetSpace( msg, 2 );

                    buf[0] = value & 0xFF;

                    buf[1] = value >> 8;

             } else if( bits <= 32 ) {

                    buf = MSG_GetSpace( msg, 4 );

                    buf[0] = value & 0xFF;

                    buf[1] = (value >> 8) & 0xFF;

                    buf[2] = (value >> 16) & 0xFF;

                    buf[3] = value >> 24;





       value &= 0xFFFFFFFFU >> (32 - bits);

       remaining = bits & 7;


       for( i=0 ; i<remaining ; i++ ) {

             if( !(msg->bit & 7) ) {

                    msg->data[msg->bit >> 3] = 0;


             msg->data[msg->bit >> 3] |= (value & 1) << (msg->bit & 7);


             value >>= 1;


       bits -= remaining;


       if( bits > 0 ) {

             for( i=0 ; i<(bits+7)>>3 ; i++ ) {

                    Huff_EmitByte( value & 255, msg->data, &msg->bit );

                    value >>= 8;




       msg->cursize = (msg->bit >> 3) + 1;









int MSG_ReadBits( sizebuf_t *msg, int bits ) {

       int i;

       int val;

       int bitmask = 0;

       int remaining;

       qboolean extend = qfalse;


       if( !bits || bits < -31 || bits > 32 ) {

             Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "MSG_ReadBits: bad bits %i", bits );



       if( bits < 0 ) {

             bits = -bits;

             extend = qtrue;



       if( msg->uncompressed ) {

             if( bits <= 8 ) {

                    bitmask = (unsigned char)msg->data[msg->readcount];


                    msg->bit += 8;

             } else if( bits <= 16 ) {

                    bitmask = (unsigned short)(msg->data[msg->readcount]

                           + (msg->data[msg->readcount+1] << 8));

                    msg->readcount += 2;

                    msg->bit += 16;

             } else if( bits <= 32 ) {

                    bitmask = msg->data[msg->readcount]

                           + (msg->data[msg->readcount+1] << 8)

                           + (msg->data[msg->readcount+2] << 16)

                           + (msg->data[msg->readcount+3] << 24);

                    msg->readcount += 4;

                    msg->bit += 32;


       } else {

             remaining = bits & 7;


             for( i=0 ; i<remaining ; i++ ) {

                    val = msg->data[msg->bit >> 3] >> (msg->bit & 7);


                    bitmask |= (val & 1) << i;



             for( i=0 ; i<bits-remaining ; i+=8 ) {

                    val = Huff_GetByteEx( msg->data, &msg->bit );

                    bitmask |= val << (i + remaining);



             msg->readcount = (msg->bit >> 3) + 1;



       if( extend ) {

             if( bitmask & (1 << (bits - 1)) ) {

                    bitmask |= ~((1 << bits) - 1);




       return bitmask;



There is a wrapper interface for writing/reading bytes, shorts and ints. It is implemented as macros and inline functions.


#define      MSG_WriteByte(msg,c)                    MSG_WriteBits(msg,c,8)

#define      MSG_WriteShort(msg,c)                   MSG_WriteBits(msg,c,16)

#define      MSG_WriteSignedShort(msg,c)             MSG_WriteBits(msg,c,-16)

#define      MSG_WriteLong(msg,c)                    MSG_WriteBits(msg,c,32)


static ID_INLINE int MSG_ReadByte( sizebuf_t *msg ) {

       int c = MSG_ReadBits( msg, 8 ) & 0xFF;


       if( msg->readcount > msg->cursize ) {

             return -1;



       return c;



static ID_INLINE int MSG_ReadShort( sizebuf_t *msg ) {

       int c = MSG_ReadBits( msg, 16 );


       if( msg->readcount > msg->cursize ) {

             return -1;



       return c;



static ID_INLINE int MSG_ReadSignedShort( sizebuf_t *msg ) {

       int c = MSG_ReadBits( msg, -16 );


       if( msg->readcount > msg->cursize ) {

             return -1;



       return c;



static ID_INLINE int MSG_ReadLong( sizebuf_t *msg ) {

       int c = MSG_ReadBits( msg, 32 );


       if( msg->readcount > msg->cursize ) {

             return -1;



       return c;



5. Common MSG_* functions


// initialize sizebuf_t and associate it with specified buffer

void MSG_Init( sizebuf_t *msg, byte *buffer, int size );


// initialize sizebuf_t, associate it with specified buffer and set uncompressed flag

void MSG_InitRaw( sizebuf_t *msg, byte *buffer, int size );


// clear sizebuf_t, prepare it for writing and unset uncompressed flag

void MSG_Clear( sizebuf_t *msg );


// unset uncompressed flag for sizebuf_t

void MSG_SetBitstream( sizebuf_t *msg );


// strcat raw data to the sizebuf_t

void MSG_WriteRawData( sizebuf_t *msg, const void *data, int length );


// prepare sizebuf_t for writing and set uncompressed flag

void MSG_BeginWriting( sizebuf_t *msg );


// write data as bytes

void MSG_WriteData( sizebuf_t *msg, const void *data, int length );


// write string as bytes up to MAX_STRING_CHARS

void MSG_WriteString( sizebuf_t *msg, const char *string );


// write string as bytes up to BIG_INFO_STRING

void MSG_WriteBigString( sizebuf_t *msg, const char *string );


// prepare sizebuf_t for reading and set uncompressed flag

void MSG_BeginReading( sizebuf_t *msg );


// read data as bytes

void MSG_ReadData( sizebuf_t *msg, void *data, int len );


// read string as bytes up to MAX_STRING_CHARS

char *MSG_ReadString( sizebuf_t *msg );


// read string as bytes up to BIG_INFO_STRING

char *MSG_ReadBigString( sizebuf_t *msg );







static void *MSG_GetSpace( sizebuf_t *msg, int length ) {

       void   *data;


       if( msg->cursize + length > msg->maxsize ) {

             if( !msg->allowoverflow ) {

                    Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "MSG_GetSpace: overflow without allowoverflow set" );



             if( length > msg->maxsize ) {

                    Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "MSG_GetSpace: %i is > full buffer size", length );



             MSG_Clear( msg );

             msg->overflowed = qtrue;



       data = msg->data + msg->cursize;

       msg->cursize += length;

       msg->bit += length << 3;


       return data;








void MSG_Init( sizebuf_t *msg, byte *buffer, int size ) {

       memset( msg, 0, sizeof( *msg ) );

       msg->data = buffer;

       msg->maxsize = size;








void MSG_InitRaw( sizebuf_t *msg, byte *buffer, int size ) {

       memset( msg, 0, sizeof( *msg ) );

       msg->data = buffer;

       msg->maxsize = size;

       msg->uncompressed = qtrue;








void MSG_Clear( sizebuf_t *msg ) {

       msg->cursize = 0;

       msg->overflowed = qfalse;

       msg->uncompressed = qfalse;

       msg->bit = 0;








void MSG_SetBitstream( sizebuf_t *msg ) {

       msg->uncompressed = qfalse;








void MSG_WriteRawData( sizebuf_t *msg, const void *data, int length ) {

       if( length > 0 ) {

             memcpy( MSG_GetSpace( msg, length ), data, length );









void MSG_BeginWriting( sizebuf_t *msg ) {

       msg->uncompressed = qtrue;

       msg->overflowed = 0;

       msg->cursize = 0;

       msg->bit = 0;








void MSG_WriteData( sizebuf_t *msg, const void *data, int length ) {

       int i;


       for( i=0 ; i<length ; i++ ) {

             MSG_WriteByte( msg, ((byte *)data)[i] );









void MSG_WriteString( sizebuf_t *msg, const char *string ) {

       char   buffer[MAX_STRING_CHARS];

       int    i;

       int    len;


       if( !string ) {

             MSG_WriteByte( msg, 0 );




       len = strlen( string );


       if( len >= sizeof( buffer ) ) {

             Com_Printf( "MSG_WriteString: MAX_STRING_CHARS\n" );

             MSG_WriteByte( msg, 0 );




       Q_strncpyz( buffer, string, sizeof( buffer ) );


       for( i=0 ; i<len ; i++ ) {

             if( buffer[i] > 127 ) {

                    buffer[i] = '.';




       for( i=0 ; i<=len ; i++ ) {

             MSG_WriteByte( msg, buffer[i] );









void MSG_WriteBigString( sizebuf_t *msg, const char *string ) {

       char   buffer[BIG_INFO_STRING];

       int    i;

       int    len;


       if( !string ) {

             MSG_WriteByte( msg, 0 );




       len = strlen( string );


       if( len >= sizeof( buffer ) ) {

             Com_Printf( "MSG_WriteString: BIG_INFO_STRING\n" );

             MSG_WriteByte( msg, 0 );




       Q_strncpyz( buffer, string, sizeof( buffer ) );


       for( i=0 ; i<len ; i++ ) {

             if( buffer[i] > 127 ) {

                    buffer[i] = '.';




       for( i=0 ; i<=len ; i++ ) {

             MSG_WriteByte( msg, buffer[i] );









void MSG_BeginReading( sizebuf_t *msg ) {

       msg->readcount = 0;

       msg->bit = 0;

       msg->uncompressed = qtrue;








void MSG_ReadData( sizebuf_t *msg, void *data, int len ) {

       int    i;

       int    c;


       for( i=0 ; i<len ; i++ ) {

             c = MSG_ReadByte( msg );

             if( c == -1 ) {



             if( data ) {

                    ((byte *)data)[i] = c;










char *MSG_ReadString( sizebuf_t *msg ) {

       static char  string[MAX_STRING_CHARS];

       int          i;

       int          c;


       for( i=0 ; i<sizeof( string )-1; i++ ) {

             c = MSG_ReadByte( msg );

             if( c == -1 || c == 0 ) {



             if( c == '%' || c > 127 ) {

                    c = '.';


             string[i] = c;



       string[i] = 0;


       return string;








char *MSG_ReadBigString( sizebuf_t *msg ) {

       static char  string[BIG_INFO_STRING];

       int          i;

       int          c;


       for( i=0 ; i<sizeof( string )-1; i++ ) {

             c = MSG_ReadByte( msg );

             if( c == -1 || c == 0 ) {



             if( c == '%' || c > 127 ) {

                    c = '.';


             string[i] = c;



       string[i] = 0;


       return string;



6. Delta encoding of game structures


For network bandwidth saving the following entityState_t and playerState_t structures are delta compressed when transmitted over the network:


// playerState_t is the information needed by both the client and server

// to predict player motion and actions

// nothing outside of pmove should modify these, or some degree of prediction error

// will occur


// you can't add anything to this without modifying the code in msg.c


// playerState_t is a full superset of entityState_t as it is used by players,

// so if a playerState_t is transmitted, the entityState_t can be fully derived

// from it.

typedef struct playerState_s {

       int                 commandTime; // cmd->serverTime of last executed command

       int                 pm_type;

       int                 bobCycle;           // for view bobbing and footstep generation

       int                 pm_flags;           // ducked, jump_held, etc

       int                 pm_time;


       vec3_t       origin;

       vec3_t       velocity;

       int                 weaponTime;

       int                 gravity;

       int                 speed;

       int                 delta_angles[3];    // add to command angles to get view direction

                                                            // changed by spawns, rotating objects, and teleporters


       int                 groundEntityNum; // ENTITYNUM_NONE = in air


       int                 legsTimer;          // don't change low priority animations until this runs out

       int                 legsAnim;           // mask off ANIM_TOGGLEBIT


       int                 torsoTimer;         // don't change low priority animations until this runs out

       int                 torsoAnim;          // mask off ANIM_TOGGLEBIT


       int                 movementDir; // a number 0 to 7 that represents the reletive angle

                                                      // of movement to the view angle (axial and diagonals)

                                                     // when at rest, the value will remain unchanged

                                                      // used to twist the legs during strafing


       vec3_t       grapplePoint; // location of grapple to pull towards if PMF_GRAPPLE_PULL


       int                 eFlags;                    // copied to entityState_t->eFlags


       int                 eventSequence;      // pmove generated events

       int                 events[MAX_PS_EVENTS];

       int                 eventParms[MAX_PS_EVENTS];


       int                 externalEvent;      // events set on player from another source

       int                 externalEventParm;

       int                 externalEventTime;


       int                 clientNum;          // ranges from 0 to MAX_CLIENTS-1

       int                 weapon;                    // copied to entityState_t->weapon

       int                 weaponstate;


       vec3_t       viewangles;         // for fixed views

       int                 viewheight;


       // damage feedback

       int                 damageEvent; // when it changes, latch the other parms

       int                 damageYaw;

       int                 damagePitch;

       int                 damageCount;


       int                 stats[MAX_STATS];

       int                 persistant[MAX_PERSISTANT];       // stats that aren't cleared on death

       int                 powerups[MAX_POWERUPS];    // level.time that the powerup runs out

       int                 ammo[MAX_WEAPONS];


       int                 generic1;

       int                 loopSound;

       int                 jumppad_ent; // jumppad entity hit this frame


       // not communicated over the net at all

       int                 ping;               // server to game info for scoreboard

       int                 pmove_framecount;   // FIXME: don't transmit over the network

       int                 jumppad_frame;

       int                 entityEventSequence;

} playerState_t;


// if entityState->solid == SOLID_BMODEL, modelindex is an inline model number

#define      SOLID_BMODEL 0xffffff


typedef enum {


       TR_INTERPOLATE,                         // non-parametric, but interpolate between snapshots



       TR_SINE,                                // value = base + sin( time / duration ) * delta


} trType_t;


typedef struct {

       trType_t     trType;

       int          trTime;

       int          trDuration;                // if non 0, trTime + trDuration = stop time

       vec3_t trBase;

       vec3_t trDelta;                   // velocity, etc

} trajectory_t;


// entityState_t is the information conveyed from the server

// in an update message about entities that the client will

// need to render in some way

// Different eTypes may use the information in different ways

// The messages are delta compressed, so it doesn't really matter if

// the structure size is fairly large


typedef struct entityState_s {

       int          number;                    // entity index

       int          eType;              // entityType_t

       int          eFlags;


       trajectory_t pos;   // for calculating position

       trajectory_t apos;  // for calculating angles


       int          time;

       int          time2;


       vec3_t origin;

       vec3_t origin2;


       vec3_t angles;

       vec3_t angles2;


       int          otherEntityNum;     // shotgun sources, etc

       int          otherEntityNum2;


       int          groundEntityNum;    // -1 = in air


       int          constantLight;      // r + (g<<8) + (b<<16) + (intensity<<24)

       int          loopSound;          // constantly loop this sound


       int          modelindex;

       int          modelindex2;

       int          clientNum;          // 0 to (MAX_CLIENTS - 1), for players and corpses

       int          frame;


       int          solid;              // for client side prediction, trap_linkentity sets this properly


       int          event;              // impulse events -- muzzle flashes, footsteps, etc

       int          eventParm;


       // for players

       int          powerups;           // bit flags

       int          weapon;                    // determines weapon and flash model, etc

       int          legsAnim;           // mask off ANIM_TOGGLEBIT

       int          torsoAnim;          // mask off ANIM_TOGGLEBIT


       int          generic1;

} entityState_t;


The following tables define offsets of each field in these structures and size of it (in bits):







  If you want something from playerState_t or entityState structures to be

  transmitted on the network, just insert a field into one of the following tables.


  For network bandwidth saving, all fields are sorted in order from highest

  modification frequency (during active gameplay) to lowest.





typedef struct {

       int          offset;

       int          bits;  // bits > 0  -->  unsigned integer

                          // bits = 0  -->  float value

                           // bits < 0  -->  signed integer

} field_t;


// field declarations

#define PS_FIELD(n,b)      { ((int)&(((playerState_t *)0)->n)), b }

#define ES_FIELD(n,b)      { ((int)&(((entityState_t *)0)->n)), b }



// field data accessing

#define FIELD_INTEGER(s)   (*(int   *)((byte *)(s)+field->offset))

#define FIELD_FLOAT(s)     (*(float *)((byte *)(s)+field->offset))



// playerState_t


static field_t psTable[] = {

       PS_FIELD( commandTime,                  32 ),

       PS_FIELD( origin[0],                    0 ),

       PS_FIELD( origin[1],                    0 ),

       PS_FIELD( bobCycle,                     8 ),

       PS_FIELD( velocity[0],                  0 ),

       PS_FIELD( velocity[1],                  0 ),

       PS_FIELD( viewangles[1],          0 ),

       PS_FIELD( viewangles[0],          0 ),

       PS_FIELD( weaponTime,                -16 ),

       PS_FIELD( origin[2],                    0 ),

       PS_FIELD( velocity[2],                  0 ),

       PS_FIELD( legsTimer,                    8 ),

       PS_FIELD( pm_time,                   -16 ),

       PS_FIELD( eventSequence,          16 ),

       PS_FIELD( torsoAnim,                    8 ),

       PS_FIELD( movementDir,                  4 ),

       PS_FIELD( events[0],                    8 ),

       PS_FIELD( legsAnim,                     8 ),

       PS_FIELD( events[1],                    8 ),

       PS_FIELD( pm_flags,                     16 ),

       PS_FIELD( groundEntityNum,        10 ),

       PS_FIELD( weaponstate,                  4 ),

       PS_FIELD( eFlags,                       16 ),

       PS_FIELD( externalEvent,          10 ),

       PS_FIELD( gravity,                      16 ),

       PS_FIELD( speed,                        16 ),

       PS_FIELD( delta_angles[1],        16 ),

       PS_FIELD( externalEventParm,      8 ),

       PS_FIELD( viewheight,                   -8 ),

       PS_FIELD( damageEvent,                  8 ),

       PS_FIELD( damageYaw,                    8 ),

       PS_FIELD( damagePitch,                  8 ),

       PS_FIELD( damageCount,                  8 ),

       PS_FIELD( generic1,                     8 ),

       PS_FIELD( pm_type,                      8 ),

       PS_FIELD( delta_angles[0],        16 ),

       PS_FIELD( delta_angles[2],        16 ),

       PS_FIELD( torsoTimer,                   12 ),

       PS_FIELD( eventParms[0],          8 ),

       PS_FIELD( eventParms[1],          8 ),

       PS_FIELD( clientNum,                    8 ),

       PS_FIELD( weapon,                       5 ),

       PS_FIELD( viewangles[2],          0 ),

       PS_FIELD( grapplePoint[0],        0 ),

       PS_FIELD( grapplePoint[1],        0 ),

       PS_FIELD( grapplePoint[2],        0 ),

       PS_FIELD( jumppad_ent,                  10 ),

       PS_FIELD( loopSound,                    16 )




// entityState_t


static field_t esTable[] = {

       ES_FIELD( pos.trTime,                   32 ),

       ES_FIELD( pos.trBase[0],          0 ),

       ES_FIELD( pos.trBase[1],          0 ),

       ES_FIELD( pos.trDelta[0],         0 ),

       ES_FIELD( pos.trDelta[1],         0 ),

       ES_FIELD( pos.trBase[2],          0 ),

       ES_FIELD( apos.trBase[1],         0 ),

       ES_FIELD( pos.trDelta[2],         0 ),

       ES_FIELD( apos.trBase[0],         0 ),

       ES_FIELD( event,                        10 ),

       ES_FIELD( angles2[1],                   0 ),

       ES_FIELD( eType,                        8 ),

       ES_FIELD( torsoAnim,                    8 ),

       ES_FIELD( eventParm,                    8 ),

       ES_FIELD( legsAnim,                     8 ),

       ES_FIELD( groundEntityNum,        10 ),

       ES_FIELD( pos.trType,                   8 ),

       ES_FIELD( eFlags,                       19 ),

       ES_FIELD( otherEntityNum,         10 ),

       ES_FIELD( weapon,                       8 ),

       ES_FIELD( clientNum,                    8 ),

       ES_FIELD( angles[1],                    0 ),

       ES_FIELD( pos.trDuration,         32 ),

       ES_FIELD( apos.trType,                  8 ),

       ES_FIELD( origin[0],                    0 ),

       ES_FIELD( origin[1],                    0 ),

       ES_FIELD( origin[2],                    0 ),

       ES_FIELD( solid,                        24 ),

       ES_FIELD( powerups,                     16 ),

       ES_FIELD( modelindex,                   8 ),

       ES_FIELD( otherEntityNum2,        10 ),

       ES_FIELD( loopSound,                    8 ),

       ES_FIELD( generic1,                     8 ),

       ES_FIELD( origin2[2],                   0 ),

       ES_FIELD( origin2[0],                   0 ),

       ES_FIELD( origin2[1],                   0 ),

       ES_FIELD( modelindex2,                  8 ),

       ES_FIELD( angles[0],                    0 ),

       ES_FIELD( time,                                32 ),

       ES_FIELD( apos.trTime,                  32 ),

       ES_FIELD( apos.trDuration,        32 ),

       ES_FIELD( apos.trBase[2],         0 ),

       ES_FIELD( apos.trDelta[0],        0 ),

       ES_FIELD( apos.trDelta[1],        0 ),

       ES_FIELD( apos.trDelta[2],        0 ),

       ES_FIELD( time2,                        32 ),

       ES_FIELD( angles[2],                    0 ),

       ES_FIELD( angles2[0],                   0 ),

       ES_FIELD( angles2[2],                   0 ),

       ES_FIELD( constantLight,          32 ),

       ES_FIELD( frame,                        16 )



static const int psTableSize = sizeof( psTable ) / sizeof( psTable[0] );

static const int esTableSize = sizeof( esTable ) / sizeof( esTable[0] );


static const entityState_t        nullEntityState;

static const playerState_t        nullPlayerState;


Float values (or ‘vectors’) can be written as 32 bits or 13 bits. ‘Snapped’ vectors, i.e. floats without fractional part, are written as unsigned 13-bit integers for network bandwidth saving, if their values don’t exceed MAX_SNAPPED.


// snapped vectors are packed in 13 bits instead of 32

#define SNAPPED_BITS              13

#define MAX_SNAPPED               (1<<SNAPPED_BITS)


Delta compressed structures are read/write using the following functions:






  If 'force' parm is false, this won't result any bits

  emitted if entity didn't changed at all


  'from' == NULL  -->  nodelta update

  'to'   == NULL  -->  entity removed



void MSG_WriteDeltaEntity( sizebuf_t *msg, const entityState_t *from, const entityState_t *to, qboolean force ) {

       field_t      *field;

       int          to_value;

       int          to_integer;

       float        to_float;

       int          maxFieldNum;

       int          i;


       if( !to ) {

             if( from ) {

                    MSG_WriteBits( msg, from->number, GENTITYNUM_BITS );

                    MSG_WriteBits( msg, 1, 1 );


             return; // removed



       if( to->number < 0 || to->number > MAX_GENTITIES ) {

             Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "MSG_WriteDeltaEntity: Bad entity number: %i", to->number );



       if( !from ) {

             from = &nullEntityState; // nodelta update




       // find last modified field in table


       maxFieldNum = 0;

       for( i=0, field=esTable ; i<esTableSize ; i++, field++ ) {

             if( FIELD_INTEGER( from ) != FIELD_INTEGER( to ) ) {

                    maxFieldNum = i + 1;




       if( !maxFieldNum ) {

             if( !force ) {

                    return; // don't emit any bits at all



             MSG_WriteBits( msg, to->number, GENTITYNUM_BITS );

             MSG_WriteBits( msg, 0, 1 );

             MSG_WriteBits( msg, 0, 1 );

             return; // unchanged



       MSG_WriteBits( msg, to->number, GENTITYNUM_BITS );

       MSG_WriteBits( msg, 0, 1 );

       MSG_WriteBits( msg, 1, 1 );

       MSG_WriteByte( msg, maxFieldNum );



       // write all modified fields


       for( i=0, field=esTable ; i<maxFieldNum ; i++, field++ ) {

             to_value = FIELD_INTEGER( to );


             if( FIELD_INTEGER( from ) == to_value ) {

                    MSG_WriteBits( msg, 0, 1 );

                    continue; // field unchanged


             MSG_WriteBits( msg, 1, 1 );


             if( !to_value ) {

                    MSG_WriteBits( msg, 0, 1 );

                    continue; // field set to zero


             MSG_WriteBits( msg, 1, 1 );


             if( field->bits ) {

                    MSG_WriteBits( msg, to_value, field->bits );

                    continue; // integer value




             // figure out how to pack float value


             to_float = FIELD_FLOAT( to );

             to_integer = (int)to_float;


             if( (float)to_integer == to_float

                    && to_integer + MAX_SNAPPED/2 >= 0

                    && to_integer + MAX_SNAPPED/2 < MAX_SNAPPED )


                    MSG_WriteBits( msg, 0, 1 ); // pack in 13 bits

                    MSG_WriteBits( msg, to_integer + MAX_SNAPPED/2, SNAPPED_BITS );

             } else {

                    MSG_WriteBits( msg, 1, 1 ); // pack in 32 bits

                    MSG_WriteLong( msg, to_value );










  'from' == NULL  -->  nodelta update

  'to'   == NULL  -->  do nothing



void MSG_ReadDeltaEntity( sizebuf_t *msg, const entityState_t *from, entityState_t *to, int number ) {

       field_t      *field;

       int          maxFieldNum;

       int          i;


       if( number < 0 || number >= MAX_GENTITIES ) {

             Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "MSG_ReadDeltaEntity: Bad delta entity number: %i\n", number );



       if( !to ) {




       if( MSG_ReadBits( msg, 1 ) ) {

             memset( to, 0, sizeof( *to ) );

             to->number = ENTITYNUM_NONE;

             return;      // removed  



       if( !from ) {

             memset( to, 0, sizeof( *to ) ); // nodelta update

       } else {

             memcpy( to, from, sizeof( *to ) );


       to->number = number;


       if( !MSG_ReadBits( msg, 1 ) ) {

             return; // unchanged



       maxFieldNum = MSG_ReadByte( msg );

       if( maxFieldNum > esTableSize ) {

             Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "MSG_ReadDeltaEntity: maxFieldNum > esTableSize" );




       // read all modified fields


       for( i=0, field=esTable ; i<maxFieldNum ; i++, field++ ) {

             if( !MSG_ReadBits( msg, 1 ) ) {

                    continue; // field unchanged


             if( !MSG_ReadBits( msg, 1 ) ) {

                    FIELD_INTEGER( to ) = 0;

                    continue; // field set to zero



             if( field->bits ) {

                    FIELD_INTEGER( to ) = MSG_ReadBits( msg, field->bits );    

                    continue;    // integer value




             // read packed float value


             if( !MSG_ReadBits( msg, 1 ) ) {

                    FIELD_FLOAT( to ) = (float)(MSG_ReadBits( msg, SNAPPED_BITS ) - MAX_SNAPPED/2);        

             } else {

                    FIELD_INTEGER( to ) = MSG_ReadLong( msg );









  'from' == NULL  -->  nodelta update

  'to'   == NULL  -->  do nothing



void MSG_WriteDeltaPlayerstate( sizebuf_t *msg, const playerState_t *from, const playerState_t *to ) {

       field_t      *field;

       int           to_value;

       float        to_float;

       int          to_integer;

       int          maxFieldNum;

       int          statsMask;

       int          persistantMask;

       int          ammoMask;

       int          powerupsMask;

       int          i;


       if( !to ) {




       if( !from ) {

             from = &nullPlayerState; // nodelta update




       // find last modified field in table


       maxFieldNum = 0;

       for( i=0, field=psTable ; i<psTableSize ; i++, field++ ) {

             if( FIELD_INTEGER( from ) != FIELD_INTEGER( to ) ) {

                    maxFieldNum = i + 1;




       MSG_WriteByte( msg, maxFieldNum );



       // write all modified fields


       for( i=0, field=psTable ; i<maxFieldNum ; i++, field++ ) {

             to_value = FIELD_INTEGER( to );


             if( FIELD_INTEGER( from ) == to_value ) {

                    MSG_WriteBits( msg, 0, 1 );

                    continue; // field unchanged


             MSG_WriteBits( msg, 1, 1 );


             if( field->bits ) {

                    MSG_WriteBits( msg, to_value, field->bits );

                    continue; // integer value




             // figure out how to pack float value


             to_float = FIELD_FLOAT( to );

             to_integer = (int)to_float;


             if( (float)to_integer == to_float

                    && to_integer + MAX_SNAPPED/2 >= 0

                    && to_integer + MAX_SNAPPED/2 < MAX_SNAPPED )


                    MSG_WriteBits( msg, 0, 1 ); // pack in 13 bits

                    MSG_WriteBits( msg, to_integer + MAX_SNAPPED/2, SNAPPED_BITS );

             } else {

                    MSG_WriteBits( msg, 1, 1 ); // pack in 32 bits

                    MSG_WriteLong( msg, to_value );





       // find modified arrays


       statsMask = 0;

       for( i=0 ; i<MAX_STATS ; i++ ) {

             if( from->stats[i] != to->stats[i] ) {

                    statsMask |= (1 << i);




       persistantMask = 0;

       for( i=0 ; i<MAX_PERSISTANT ; i++ ) {

             if( from->persistant[i] != to->persistant[i] ) {

                    persistantMask |= (1 << i);




       ammoMask = 0;

       for( i=0 ; i<MAX_WEAPONS ; i++ ) {

             if( from->ammo[i] != to->ammo[i] ) {

                    ammoMask |= (1 << i);




       powerupsMask = 0;

       for( i=0 ; i<MAX_POWERUPS ; i++ ) {

             if( from->powerups[i] != to->powerups[i] ) {

                    powerupsMask |= (1 << i);




       if( !statsMask && !persistantMask && !ammoMask && !powerupsMask ) {

             MSG_WriteBits( msg, 0, 1 );

             return; // no arrays modified




       // write all modified arrays


       MSG_WriteBits( msg, 1, 1 );


       // PS_STATS

       if( statsMask ) {

             MSG_WriteBits( msg, 1, 1 );

             MSG_WriteShort( msg, statsMask );

             for( i=0 ; i<MAX_STATS ; i++ ) {

                    if( statsMask & (1 << i) ) {

                           MSG_WriteSignedShort( msg, to->stats[i] );



       } else {

             MSG_WriteBits( msg, 0, 1 ); // unchanged




       if( persistantMask ) {

             MSG_WriteBits( msg, 1, 1 );

             MSG_WriteShort( msg, persistantMask );

             for( i=0 ; i<MAX_PERSISTANT ; i++ ) {

                    if( persistantMask & (1 << i) ) {

                           MSG_WriteSignedShort( msg, to->persistant[i] );



       } else {

             MSG_WriteBits( msg, 0, 1 ); // unchanged




       // PS_AMMO

       if( ammoMask ) {

             MSG_WriteBits( msg, 1, 1 );

             MSG_WriteShort( msg, ammoMask );

             for( i=0 ; i<MAX_WEAPONS ; i++ ) {

                    if( ammoMask & (1 << i) ) {

                           MSG_WriteShort( msg, to->ammo[i] );



       } else {

             MSG_WriteBits( msg, 0, 1 ); // unchanged



       // PS_POWERUPS

       if( powerupsMask ) {

             MSG_WriteBits( msg, 1, 1 );

             MSG_WriteShort( msg, powerupsMask );

             for( i=0 ; i<MAX_POWERUPS ; i++ ) {

                    if( powerupsMask & (1 << i) ) {

                           MSG_WriteLong( msg, to->powerups[i] ); // WARNING: powerups use 32 bits, not 16



       } else {

             MSG_WriteBits( msg, 0, 1 ); // unchanged










  'from' == NULL  -->  nodelta update

  'to'   == NULL  -->  do nothing



void MSG_ReadDeltaPlayerstate( sizebuf_t *msg, const playerState_t *from, playerState_t *to ) {

       field_t      *field;

       int          maxFieldNum;

       int          bitmask;

       int          i;


       if( !to ) {




       if( !from ) {

             memset( to, 0, sizeof( *to ) ); // nodelta update

       } else {

             memcpy( to, from, sizeof( *to ) );



       maxFieldNum = MSG_ReadByte( msg );

       if( maxFieldNum > psTableSize ) {

             Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "MSG_ReadDeltaPlayerstate: maxFieldNum > psTableSize" );




       // read all modified fields


       for( i=0, field=psTable ; i<maxFieldNum ; i++, field++ ) {

             if( !MSG_ReadBits( msg, 1 ) ) {

                    continue; // field unchanged



             if( field->bits ) {

                    FIELD_INTEGER( to ) = MSG_ReadBits( msg, field->bits );

                    continue;    // integer value




             // read packed float value


             if( !MSG_ReadBits( msg, 1 ) ) {

                    FIELD_FLOAT( to ) = (float)(MSG_ReadBits( msg, SNAPPED_BITS ) - MAX_SNAPPED/2);        

             } else {

                    FIELD_INTEGER( to ) = MSG_ReadLong( msg );





       // read all modified arrays


       if( !MSG_ReadBits( msg, 1 ) ) {

             return; // no arrays modified



       // PS_STATS

       if( MSG_ReadBits( msg, 1 ) ) {

             bitmask = MSG_ReadShort( msg );

             for( i=0 ; i<MAX_STATS ; i++ ) {

                    if( bitmask & (1 << i) ) {

                           to->stats[i] = MSG_ReadSignedShort( msg ); // PS_STATS can be negative






       if( MSG_ReadBits( msg, 1 ) ) {

             bitmask = MSG_ReadShort( msg );

             for( i=0 ; i<MAX_PERSISTANT ; i++ ) {

                    if( bitmask & (1 << i) ) {

                           to->persistant[i] = MSG_ReadSignedShort( msg ); // PS_PERSISTANT can be negative





       // PS_AMMO

       if( MSG_ReadBits( msg, 1 ) ) {

             bitmask = MSG_ReadShort( msg );

             for( i=0 ; i<MAX_WEAPONS ; i++ ) {

                    if( bitmask & (1 << i) ) {

                           to->ammo[i] = MSG_ReadShort( msg );





       // PS_POWERUPS

       if( MSG_ReadBits( msg, 1 ) ) {

             bitmask = MSG_ReadShort( msg );

             for( i=0 ; i<MAX_POWERUPS ; i++ ) {

                    if( bitmask & (1 << i) ) {

                           to->powerups[i] = MSG_ReadLong( msg ); // WARNING: powerups use 32 bits, not 16






7. Huffman encoding


The following routines do Huffman encoding/decoding. Note that you have to do a Huff_Init call before using any MSG_* functions.



// huff.c - Huffman compression routines for data bitstream



#define VALUE(a)                  ((int   )(a))

#define NODE(a)                         ((void *)(a))


#define NODE_START                NODE(  1)

#define NODE_NONE                 NODE(256)

#define NODE_NEXT                 NODE(257)


#define HUFF_TREE_SIZE            7175

typedef void                      *tree_t[HUFF_TREE_SIZE];



// pre-defined frequency counts for all bytes [0..255]


static int huffCounts[256] = {

       0x3D1CB, 0x0A0E9, 0x01894, 0x01BC2, 0x00E92, 0x00EA6, 0x017DE, 0x05AF3,

       0x08225, 0x01B26, 0x01E9E, 0x025F2, 0x02429, 0x0436B, 0x00F6D, 0x006F2,

       0x02060, 0x00644, 0x00636, 0x0067F, 0x0044C, 0x004BD, 0x004D6, 0x0046E,

       0x006D5, 0x00423, 0x004DE, 0x0047D, 0x004F9, 0x01186, 0x00AF5, 0x00D90,

       0x0553B, 0x00487, 0x00686, 0x0042A, 0x00413, 0x003F4, 0x0041D, 0x0042E,

       0x006BE, 0x00378, 0x0049C, 0x00352, 0x003C0, 0x0030C, 0x006D8, 0x00CE0,

       0x02986, 0x011A2, 0x016F9, 0x00A7D, 0x0122A, 0x00EFD, 0x0082D, 0x0074B,

       0x00A18, 0x0079D, 0x007B4, 0x003AC, 0x0046E, 0x006FC, 0x00686, 0x004B6,

       0x01657, 0x017F0, 0x01C36, 0x019FE, 0x00E7E, 0x00ED3, 0x005D4, 0x005F4,

       0x008A7, 0x00474, 0x0054B, 0x003CB, 0x00884, 0x004E0, 0x00530, 0x004AB,

       0x006EA, 0x00436, 0x004F0, 0x004F2, 0x00490, 0x003C5, 0x00483, 0x004A2,

       0x00543, 0x004CC, 0x005F9, 0x00640, 0x00A39, 0x00800, 0x009F2, 0x00CCB,

       0x0096A, 0x00E01, 0x009C8, 0x00AF0, 0x00A73, 0x01802, 0x00E4F, 0x00B18,

       0x037AD, 0x00C5C, 0x008AD, 0x00697, 0x00C88, 0x00AB3, 0x00DB8, 0x012BC,

       0x00FFB, 0x00DBB, 0x014A8, 0x00FB0, 0x01F01, 0x0178F, 0x014F0, 0x00F54,

       0x0131C, 0x00E9F, 0x011D6, 0x012C7, 0x016DC, 0x01900, 0x01851, 0x02063,

       0x05ACB, 0x01E9E, 0x01BA1, 0x022E7, 0x0153D, 0x01183, 0x00E39, 0x01488,

       0x014C0, 0x014D0, 0x014FA, 0x00DA4, 0x0099A, 0x0069E, 0x0071D, 0x00849,

       0x0077C, 0x0047D, 0x005EC, 0x00557, 0x004D4, 0x00405, 0x004EA, 0x00450,

       0x004DD, 0x003EE, 0x0047D, 0x00401, 0x004D9, 0x003B8, 0x00507, 0x003E5,

       0x006B1, 0x003F1, 0x004A3, 0x0036F, 0x0044B, 0x003A1, 0x00436, 0x003B7,

       0x00678, 0x003A2, 0x00481, 0x00406, 0x004EE, 0x00426, 0x004BE, 0x00424,

       0x00655, 0x003A2, 0x00452, 0x00390, 0x0040A, 0x0037C, 0x00486, 0x003DE,

       0x00497, 0x00352, 0x00461, 0x00387, 0x0043F, 0x00398, 0x00478, 0x00420,

       0x00D86, 0x008C0, 0x0112D, 0x02F68, 0x01E4E, 0x00541, 0x0051B, 0x00CCE,

       0x0079E, 0x00376, 0x003FF, 0x00458, 0x00435, 0x00412, 0x00425, 0x0042F,

       0x005CC, 0x003E9, 0x00448, 0x00393, 0x0041C, 0x003E3, 0x0042E, 0x0036C,

       0x00457, 0x00353, 0x00423, 0x00325, 0x00458, 0x0039B, 0x0044F, 0x00331,

       0x0076B, 0x00750, 0x003D0, 0x00349, 0x00467, 0x003BC, 0x00487, 0x003B6,

       0x01E6F, 0x003BA, 0x00509, 0x003A5, 0x00467, 0x00C87, 0x003FC, 0x0039F,

       0x0054B, 0x00300, 0x00410, 0x002E9, 0x003B8, 0x00325, 0x00431, 0x002E4,

       0x003F5, 0x00325, 0x003F0, 0x0031C, 0x003E4, 0x00421, 0x02CC1, 0x034C0





// static Huffman tree


static tree_t huffTree;



// received from MSG_* code


static int          huffBitPos;
















static ID_INLINE void Huff_PrepareTree( tree_t tree ) {

       void **node;


       memset( tree, 0, sizeof( tree_t ) );


       // create first node

       node = &tree[263];

       VALUE( tree[0] )++;


       node[7] = NODE_NONE;

       tree[2] = node;

       tree[3] = node;

       tree[4] = node;

       tree[261] = node;








static void **Huff_GetNode( void **tree ) {

       void **node;

       int    value;


       node = tree[262];

       if( !node ) {

             value = VALUE( tree[1] )++;

             node = &tree[value + 6407];

             return node;



       tree[262] = node[0];

       return node;








static void Huff_Swap( void **tree1, void **tree2, void **tree3 ) {

       void **a, **b;


       a = tree2[2];

       if( a ) {

             if( a[0] == tree2 ) {

                    a[0] = tree3;

             } else {

                    a[1] = tree3;


       } else {

             tree1[2] = tree3;



       b = tree3[2];


       if( b ) {

             if( b[0] == tree3 ) {

                    b[0] = tree2;

                    tree2[2] = b;

                    tree3[2] = a;




             b[1] = tree2;

             tree2[2] = b;

             tree3[2] = a;




       tree1[2] = tree2;

       tree2[2] = NULL;

       tree3[2] = a;








static void Huff_SwapTrees( void **tree1, void **tree2 ) {

       void **temp;


       temp = tree1[3];

       tree1[3] = tree2[3];

       tree2[3] = temp;


       temp = tree1[4];

       tree1[4] = tree2[4];

       tree2[4] = temp;


       if( tree1[3] == tree1 ) {

             tree1[3] = tree2;



       if( tree2[3] == tree2 ) {

             tree2[3] = tree1;



       temp = tree1[3];

       if( temp ) {

             temp[4] = tree1;



       temp = tree2[3];

       if( temp ) {

             temp[4] = tree2;



       temp = tree1[4];

       if( temp ) {

             temp[3] = tree1;



       temp = tree2[4];

       if( temp ) {

             temp[3] = tree2;










static void Huff_DeleteNode( void **tree1, void **tree2 ) {

       tree2[0] = tree1[262];

       tree1[262] = tree2;








static void Huff_IncrementFreq_r( void **tree1, void **tree2 ) {

       void **a, **b;


       if( !tree2 ) {




       a = tree2[3];

       if( a && a[6] == tree2[6] ) {

             b = tree2[5];

             if( b[0] != tree2[2] ) {

                    Huff_Swap( tree1, b[0], tree2 );


             Huff_SwapTrees( b[0], tree2 );



       a = tree2[4];

       if( a && a[6] == tree2[6] ) {

             b = tree2[5];

             b[0] = a;

       } else {

             a = tree2[5];

             a[0] = 0;

             Huff_DeleteNode( tree1, tree2[5] );




       VALUE( tree2[6] )++;

       a = tree2[3];

       if( a && a[6] == tree2[6] ) {

             tree2[5] = a[5];

       } else {

             a = Huff_GetNode( tree1 );

             tree2[5] = a;

             a[0] = tree2;



       if( tree2[2] ) {

             Huff_IncrementFreq_r( tree1, tree2[2] );


             if( tree2[4] == tree2[2] ) {

                    Huff_SwapTrees( tree2, tree2[2] );

                    a = tree2[5];


                    if( a[0] == tree2 ) {

                           a[0] = tree2[2];










Insert 'ch' into the tree or increment it's frequency



static void Huff_AddReference( void **tree, int ch ) {

       void **a, **b, **c, **d;

       int value;


       ch &= 255;

       if( tree[ch + 5] ) {

             Huff_IncrementFreq_r( tree, tree[ch + 5] );

             return; // already added



       value = VALUE( tree[0] )++;

       b = &tree[value * 8 + 263];


       value = VALUE( tree[0] )++;

       a = &tree[value * 8 + 263];


       a[7] = NODE_NEXT;

       a[6] = NODE_START;

       d = tree[3];

       a[3] = d[3];

       if( a[3] ) {

             d = a[3];

             d[4] = a;

             d = a[3];

             if( d[6] == NODE_START ) {

                    a[5] = d[5];

             } else {

                    d = Huff_GetNode( tree );

                    a[5] = d;

                    d[0] = a;


       } else {

             d = Huff_GetNode( tree );

             a[5] = d;

             d[0] = a;




       d = tree[3];

       d[3] = a;

       a[4] = tree[3];

       b[7] = NODE( ch );

       b[6] = NODE_START;

       d = tree[3];

       b[3] = d[3];

       if( b[3] ) {

             d = b[3];

             d[4] = b;

             if( d[6] == NODE_START ) {

                    b[5] = d[5];

             } else {

                    d = Huff_GetNode( tree );

                    b[5] = d;

                    d[0] = a;


       } else {

             d = Huff_GetNode( tree );

             b[5] = d;

             d[0] = b;



       d = tree[3];

       d[3] = b;

       b[4] = tree[3];

       b[1] = NULL;

       b[0] = NULL;

       d = tree[3];

       c = d[2];

       if( c ) {

             if( c[0] == tree[3] ) {

                    c[0] = a;

             } else {

                    c[1] = a;


       } else {

             tree[2] = a;



       a[1] = b;

       d = tree[3];

       a[0] = d;

       a[2] = d[2];

       b[2] = a;

       d = tree[3];

       d[2] = a;

       tree[ch + 5] = b;


       Huff_IncrementFreq_r( tree, a[2] );















Put one bit into buffer



static ID_INLINE void Huff_EmitBit( int bit, byte *buffer ) {

       if( !(huffBitPos & 7) ) {

             buffer[huffBitPos >> 3] = 0;



       buffer[huffBitPos >> 3] |= bit << (huffBitPos & 7);








Read one bit from buffer



static ID_INLINE int Huff_GetBit( byte *buffer ) {

       int bit;


       bit = buffer[huffBitPos >> 3] >> (huffBitPos & 7);



       return (bit & 1);








static ID_INLINE void Huff_EmitPathToByte( void **tree, void **subtree, byte *buffer ) {

       if( tree[2] ) {

             Huff_EmitPathToByte( tree[2], tree, buffer );



       if( !subtree ) {





       // emit tree walking control bits


       if( tree[1] == subtree ) {

             Huff_EmitBit( 1, buffer );

       } else {

             Huff_EmitBit( 0, buffer );








Get one byte using dynamic or static tree



static ID_INLINE int Huff_GetByteFromTree( void **tree, byte *buffer ) {

       if( !tree ) {

             return 0;




       // walk through the tree until we get a value


       while( tree[7] == NODE_NEXT ) {

             if( !Huff_GetBit( buffer ) ) {

                    tree = tree[0];

             } else {

                    tree = tree[1];



             if( !tree ) {

                    return 0;




       return VALUE( tree[7] );
















void Huff_EmitByte( int ch, byte *buffer, int *count ) {

       huffBitPos = *count;

       Huff_EmitPathToByte( huffTree[ch + 5], NULL, buffer );

       *count = huffBitPos;








int Huff_GetByte( byte *buffer, int *count ) {

       int ch;


       huffBitPos = *count;

       ch = Huff_GetByteFromTree( huffTree[2], buffer );

       *count = huffBitPos;


       return ch;








void Huff_Init( void ) {

       int    i, j;


       // build empty tree

       Huff_PrepTreeComp( huffTree );


       // add all pre-defined byte references

       for( i=0 ; i<256 ; i++ ) {

             for( j=0 ; j<huffCounts[i] ; j++ ) {

                    Huff_AddReference( huffTree, i );





8. Server to Client commands


SerVer to Client commands (SVC_*) are hints to the client how to parse data stream received from server. There are 8 SVC_* types, but only 6 of them are used in demo files.



// possible server to client commands


typedef enum svc_ops_e {

       SVC_BAD,            // not used in demos

       SVC_NOP,            // not used in demos


       SVC_CONFIGSTRING,   // only inside gameState

       SVC_BASELINE,       // only inside gameState


       SVC_DOWNLOAD,       // not used in demos



} svc_ops_t;


SVC_BAD – zero command, should never appear in network messages and demos

SVC_NOP – No OPeration command, should never appear in demos

SVC_GAMESTATE – received before each level start, contains configStrings and baselines

SVC_CONFIGSTRING, SVC_BASELINE – appear only inside gameState

SVC_SERVERCOMMAND – reliable text command to be processed by the client

SVC_DOWNLOAD – should never appear in demos

SVC_SNAPSHOT – contains delta compressed updates of playerState and entityStates

SVC_EOM – indicates End Of Message, also used inside gameState


Each demo message should contain either SVC_GAMESTATE or SVC_SNAPSHOT, but never them both and never no one of them.


9. Operations with gameState_t


#define      MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS   1024


// these are the only configstrings that the system reserves, all the

// other ones are strictly for servergame to clientgame communication

#define      CS_SERVERINFO       0            // an info string with all the serverinfo cvars

#define      CS_SYSTEMINFO       1            // an info string for server system to client system configuration (timescale, etc)


#define      RESERVED_CONFIGSTRINGS     2      // game can't modify below this, only the system can


#define      MAX_GAMESTATE_CHARS 16000

typedef struct {

       int                 stringOffsets[MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS];

       char         stringData[MAX_GAMESTATE_CHARS];

       int                 dataCount;

} gameState_t;


gameState_t structure is used to hold all configStrings in a single text buffer. Because configStrings can be up to BIG_INFO_STRING chars, it would be better to use 20100 bytes of gameState_t instead of 8388608 bytes of static array of configStrings.


The following functions allow inserting and fetching configStrings from gameState_t:







static void Com_AppendToGameState( gameState_t *gameState, int index, const char *configString ) {

       int len;


       if( !configString || !(len=strlen( configString )) ) {




       if( gameState->dataCount + len + 2 >= MAX_GAMESTATE_CHARS ) {

             Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "Com_AppendToGameState: MAX_GAMESTATE_CHARS" );



       gameState->stringOffsets[index] = gameState->dataCount + 1;

       strcpy( &gameState->stringData[gameState->dataCount + 1], configString );

       gameState->dataCount += len + 1;








void Com_InsertIntoGameState( gameState_t *gameState, int index, const char *configString ) {

       char *strings[MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS];

       int ofs;

       int i;


       if( index < 0 || index >= MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS ) {

             Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "Com_InsertIntoGameState: bad index %i", index );



       if( !gameState->stringOffsets[index] ) {

             // just append to the end of gameState

             Com_AppendToGameState( gameState, index, configString );





       // resort gameState


       for( i=0 ; i<MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS ; i++ ) {

             ofs = gameState->stringOffsets[i];

             if( !ofs ) {

                    strings[i] = NULL;

             } else if( i == index ) {

                    strings[i] = CopyString( configString );

             } else {

                    strings[i] = CopyString( &gameState->stringData[ofs] );




       memset( gameState, 0, sizeof( *gameState ) );


       for( i=0 ; i<MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS ; i++ ) {

             if( strings[i] ) {

                    Com_AppendToGameState( gameState, i, strings[i] );

                    Z_Free( strings[i] );











char *Com_GetStringFromGameState( gameState_t *gameState, int index ) {

       int ofs;


       if( index < 0 || index >= MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS ) {

             Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "Com_GetStringFromGameState: bad index  %i", index  );



       ofs = gameState->stringOffsets[index ];


       if( !ofs ) {

             return "";



       return &gameState->stringData[ofs];




10. Parsing whole demo file



// sizes of misc circular buffers in client and server system



// for delta compression of snapshots

#define MAX_SNAPSHOTS             32

#define SNAPSHOT_MASK             (MAX_SNAPSHOTS-1)


// for keeping reliable text commands not acknowledged by receiver yet

#define MAX_SERVERCMDS            64

#define SERVERCMD_MASK            (MAX_SERVERCMDS-1)


// for keeping all entityStates for delta encoding





// max number of entityState_t present in a single update




typedef struct {

       qboolean            valid;


       int                        seq;                       // die seqeunc number des snapshots

       int                        deltaSeq;

       int                        snapFlags;                 // SNAPFLAG_RATE_DELAYED, etc



       int                        serverTime;         // server time the message is valid for (in msec)


       byte                areamask[MAX_MAP_AREA_BYTES];           // portalarea visibility bits


       playerState_t       ps;                                     // complete information about the current player at this time


       int                        numEntities;               // all of the entities that need to be presented

       int                        firstEntity;               // ab dieser Position sind im Ringbuffer die numEntities viele Entities des Snapshots

                                                                          // ersetzt entities[Max_entities_in snapshot]

} snapshot_t;


typedef struct {

       int          lastServerCommandNum;

       int          currentServerCommandNum;

       char   serverCommands[MAX_SERVERCMDS][MAX_STRING_CHARS];


       gameState_t         gameState;

       entityState_t       baselines[MAX_GENTITIES];


       entityState_t       parseEntities[MAX_PARSE_ENTITIES];

       int                        firstParseEntity;


       snapshot_t          snapshots[MAX_SNAPSHOTS];

       snapshot_t          *snap;

} demoState_t;


demoState_t  ds;







static void Parse_GameState( sizebuf_t *msg ) {

       int          c;

       int          index;

       char   *configString;


       memset( &ds, 0, sizeof( ds ) );


       ds.lastServerCommandNum = MSG_ReadLong( msg );

       ds.currentServerCommandNum = ds.lastServerCommandNum;


       while( 1 ) {

             c = MSG_ReadByte( msg );


             if( c == -1 ) {

                    Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "Parse_GameState: read past end of demo message" );



             if( c == SVC_EOM ) {





             switch( c ) {


                    Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "Parse_GameState: bad command byte" );



             case SVC_CONFIGSTRING:

                    index = MSG_ReadShort( msg );

                    if( index < 0 || index >= MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS ) {

                           Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "Parse_GameState: configString index %i out of range", index );


                    configString = MSG_ReadBigString( msg );

                    Com_InsertIntoGameState( &ds.gameState, index, configString );



             case SVC_BASELINE:

                    index = MSG_ReadBits( msg, GENTITYNUM_BITS );

                    if( index < 0 || index >= MAX_GENTITIES ) {

                           Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "Parse_GameState: baseline index %i out of range", index );


                    MSG_ReadDeltaEntity( msg, NULL, &ds.baselines[index], index );





       // FIXME: unknown stuff, not used in demos?

       MSG_ReadLong( msg );

       MSG_ReadLong( msg );



















static void Parse_ServerCommand( sizebuf_t *msg ) {

       int          number;

       char   *string;


       number = MSG_ReadLong( msg );

       string = MSG_ReadString( msg );


       if( number < ds.lastServerCommandNum ) {

             return; // we have already received this command


       ds.lastServerCommandNum = number;


       // archive the command to be processed later

       Q_strncpyz( ds.serverCommands[number & SERVERCMD_MASK], string, sizeof( ds.serverCommands[0] ) );







Parses deltas from the given base and adds the resulting entity

to the current frame



static void Parse_DeltaEntity( sizebuf_t *msg, snapshot_t *frame, int newnum, entityState_t *old, qboolean unchanged ) {

       entityState_t *state;


       state = &ds.parseEntities[ds.firstParseEntity & PARSE_ENTITIES_MASK];


       if( unchanged ) {

             memcpy( state, old, sizeof( *state ) ); // don't read any bits

       } else {

             MSG_ReadDeltaEntity( msg, old, state, newnum );

             if( state->number == ENTITYNUM_NONE ) {

                    // the entity present in oldframe is not in the current frame













An svc_packetentities has just been parsed, deal with the

rest of the data stream.



static void Parse_PacketEntities( sizebuf_t *msg, snapshot_t *oldframe, snapshot_t *newframe ) {

       int                 newnum;

       entityState_t *oldstate;

       int                 oldindex, oldnum;


       newframe->firstEntity = ds.firstParseEntity;

       newframe->numEntities = 0;


       // delta from the entities present in oldframe

       oldindex = 0;

       if( !oldframe ) {

             oldnum = 99999;

       } else {

             if( oldindex >= oldframe->numEntities ) {

                    oldnum = 99999;

             } else {

                    oldstate = &ds.parseEntities[(oldframe->firstEntity + oldindex) & PARSE_ENTITIES_MASK];

                    oldnum = oldstate->number;




       while( 1 ) {

             newnum = MSG_ReadBits( msg, GENTITYNUM_BITS );

             if( newnum < 0 || newnum >= MAX_GENTITIES ) {

                    Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "Parse_PacketEntities: bad number %i", newnum );



             if( msg->readcount > msg->cursize ) {

                    Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "Parse_PacketEntities: end of message" );



             if( newnum == ENTITYNUM_NONE ) {

                    break; // end of packetentities



             while( oldnum < newnum ) {

                    // one or more entities from the old packet are unchanged

                    Parse_DeltaEntity( msg, newframe, oldnum, oldstate, qtrue );




                    if( oldindex >= oldframe->numEntities ) {

                           oldnum = 99999;

                    } else {

                           oldstate = &ds.parseEntities[(oldframe->firstEntity + oldindex) & PARSE_ENTITIES_MASK];

                           oldnum = oldstate->number;




             if( oldnum == newnum ) {

                    // delta from previous state

                    Parse_DeltaEntity( msg, newframe, newnum, oldstate, qfalse );




                    if( oldindex >= oldframe->numEntities ) {

                           oldnum = 99999;

                    } else {

                           oldstate = &ds.parseEntities[(oldframe->firstEntity + oldindex) & PARSE_ENTITIES_MASK];

                           oldnum = oldstate->number;





             if( oldnum > newnum ) {

                    // delta from baseline

                    Parse_DeltaEntity( msg, newframe, newnum, &ds.baselines[newnum], qfalse );




       // any remaining entities in the old frame are copied over

       while( oldnum != 99999 ) {

             // one or more entities from the old packet are unchanged

             Parse_DeltaEntity( msg, newframe, oldnum, oldstate, qtrue );




             if( oldindex >= oldframe->numEntities ) {

                    oldnum = 99999;

             } else {

                    oldstate = &ds.parseEntities[(oldframe->firstEntity + oldindex) & PARSE_ENTITIES_MASK];

                    oldnum = oldstate->number;










static void Parse_Snapshot( sizebuf_t *msg ) {

       snapshot_t   *oldsnap;

       int                        delta;

       int                        len;


       // save the frame off in the backup array for later delta comparisons

       ds.snap = &ds.snapshots[demo.demoMessageSequence & SNAPSHOT_MASK];

       memset( ds.snap, 0, sizeof( *ds.snap ) );


       ds.snap->seq = demo.demoMessageSequence;

       ds.snap->serverTime = MSG_ReadLong( msg );


       // If the frame is delta compressed from data that we

       // no longer have available, we must suck up the rest of

       // the frame, but not use it, then ask for a non-compressed

       // message

       delta = MSG_ReadByte( msg );

       if( delta ) {

             ds.snap->deltaSeq = demo.demoMessageSequence - delta;

             oldsnap = &ds.snapshots[ds.snap->deltaSeq & SNAPSHOT_MASK];


             if( !oldsnap->valid ) {

                    // should never happen

                    Com_Printf( "Delta from invalid frame (not supposed to happen!).\n" );

             } else if( oldsnap->seq != ds.snap->deltaSeq ) {

                    // The frame that the server did the delta from

                    // is too old, so we can't reconstruct it properly.

                    Com_Printf( "Delta frame too old.\n" );

             } else if( ds.firstParseEntity - oldsnap->firstEntity >



                    Com_Printf( "Delta parse_entities too old.\n" );

             } else {

                    ds.snap->valid = qtrue; // valid delta parse


       } else {

             oldsnap = NULL;

             ds.snap->deltaSeq = -1;

             ds.snap->valid = qtrue; // uncompressed frame



       // read snapFlags

       ds.snap->snapFlags = MSG_ReadByte( msg );


       // read areabits

       len = MSG_ReadByte( msg );

       MSG_ReadData( msg, ds.snap->areamask, len );


       // read playerinfo

       MSG_ReadDeltaPlayerstate( msg, oldsnap ? &oldsnap->ps : NULL, &ds.snap->ps );


       // read packet entities

       Parse_PacketEntities( msg, oldsnap, ds.snap );








static void Parse_DemoMessage( sizebuf_t *msg ) {

       int                 cmd;


       // remaining data is Huffman compressed

       MSG_SetBitstream( msg );


       MSG_ReadLong( msg ); // FIXME: not used in demos




// parse the message


       while( 1 ) {

             if( msg->readcount > msg->cursize ) {

                    Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "Parse_DemoMessage: read past end of demo message" );




             cmd = MSG_ReadByte( msg );


             if( cmd == SVC_EOM ) {




       // other commands

             switch( cmd ) {


             case SVC_BASELINE:

             case SVC_CONFIGSTRING:

             case SVC_DOWNLOAD:

                    Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "Parse_DemoMessage: illegible demo message" );


             case SVC_NOP:              /* do nothing */                        break;

             case SVC_GAMESTATE:        Parse_GameState( msg );           break;

             case SVC_SERVERCOMMAND:    Parse_ServerCommand( msg );       break;

             case SVC_SNAPSHOT:         Parse_Snapshot( msg );            break;






11. Thanks to


- Martin Otten for Argus

- ID Software for releasing Quake II source code and Q3 SDK




Copyright (C) 2003 Andrey Nazarov (skuller-vidnoe@narod.ru)